
Help Me Heal®

///Help Me Heal®
Help Me Heal®2021-09-08T09:02:43-04:00

Every day, the Animal League rescues animals from places where they would otherwise be destroyed, and our no-kill philosophy means that we give each animal the care they need – the care and the second chance that they deserve. Some pets come to us with urgent medical needs ranging from broken bones, skin burns or infections necessitating critical care, to other orthopedic or medical issues requiring surgical intervention. Some animals also come to us with deep emotional scars due to neglect and mistreatment.

Please make a donation today to our Help Me Heal Program, and help us nurture many more animals back to health.

Featured Story: Help The Trio Heal

In the heart of upstate New York, three helpless and vulnerable felines were suffering outside in the bitter cold – their little bodies bearing the brunt of untreated health issues. Fortunately, our North Country Initiative (NCI) came to their rescue, bringing them inside and transferring them into the hands of our Pet Health Centers team. With hope and determination, our Help Me Heal program aims to provide the lifesaving care Mystic, Rosaline and Sarah desperately need. Read Full Story

More Help Me Heal Stories

In the bitter cold of a New York City park, cats Yin and Yang were abandoned in a carrier. With no way to get out for food, water, or shelter, these innocent cats were in grave danger. Thankfully, they were found by a Good Samaritan who contacted Animal Care Center of Manhattan. Yang was in good health, but Yin was in particular distress with a severe leg injury.
At just five months old, little Tommy’s heart is laboring tirelessly to keep him alive. Born with a severe heart murmur that puts him at risk of sudden death, Tommy desperately needs surgical intervention to mend his heart defect. Will you help us keep Tommy’s heart beating?
Buddy has come a long way since he first arrived at our Pet Health Centers. Now fully recovered from his dual hip surgery, Buddy has made quite a mark on the hearts of his caregivers…and even on some of their family members.
Though his front leg drags along the ground, three-month-old Zeke is still playful and curious, running up to greet everyone around him. Now it’s up to the team at our Pet Health Centers to address Zeke’s medical condition, in order to prevent significant problems for him as he grows. It will require all our veterinary expertise, but we are determined for Zeke to have the active, happy life he deserves.
Blondie came through her FHO surgery well and received post-operative care in her foster home. Tiny but mighty, she was a trouper throughout her physical therapy, including leg massages, heat and ice compresses and motion exercises. Now this spunky girl is ready for a home of her very own.
Frankie is a powerful example of how medical intervention, combined with loving care, can transform the life of a rescue pet. When Frankie first arrived, she was laboring for every breath. Following her surgery to open up her nostrils and trim her soft palate, her breathing and energy level are much improved. Though she still occasionally snorts and still snores when she’s sleeping, Frankie is doing much better. Our Pet Health Centers team will reassess her in a few weeks, but they are hopeful that no additional therapy will be warranted.
When animals arrive to Animal League America, we don’t always know what they have endured. For 12-week-old Lab mix Strawberry, the exact cause of her trauma will remain a mystery, but we do know we’ll do everything in our power to help her.
Born without baby teeth, five-month-old Iris has learned to adapt to her unique medical disorder. Without surgery however, she faces significant health risks. With your help, we can ensure this sweet-natured girl will keep smiling.
Max is only a couple months old, but his heart is already having to work overtime to keep him alive. Diagnosed with a severe heart murmur, Max will require surgery to repair his congenital defect. Will you help us heal Max’s tender heart?
Suffering from chronic ear infections, poor Brooklyn has been brought back into our care after several years with her adoptive family. Unfortunately, this sweet seven-year-old Boxer Mix started to have recurring ear infections. While Brooklyn was initially a playful and happy puppy, her pain and discomfort gradually worsened causing her behavior to change.