
/Tag: Disputes/Negligence

Shelter not giving me my dog.

Long story short, my property was broken into and my dog got out. She was in the general area of my house (just a few blocks away) when she was cornered and attacked by another dog on another property. My dog stood her ground and bit the other dog. Animal control was called and she was taken to the pound. Now they will not return the dog and told me they will hold her for an indefinite time to conduct an investigation. They won’t let me visit her either. What can I do?

By |2023-04-24T14:14:18-04:00March 1st, 2023|

Rescue wants my foster dog back.

I have been fostering an abused dog for about 1 1/2 years. The rescue tried twice to place the dog in a new home. Both attempts failed and the dog was returned to my care I have 2 other foster dogs. After no attempt to contact me after I asked them to adopt the dog they now come saying that they will take the dog back. She has finally adapted to the home and allows me to hold her and lies down with me. She loves the other dogs. Do I have any recourse to say that they abandoned her. After 1.5 years the dog is happy. She will suffer greatly being yanked from her home and people. What can I do? Yes I did sign an agreement.

By |2023-04-24T12:35:12-04:00February 27th, 2023|

Can a stranger spay or neuter your lost cat without consent?

My mom is sick so I took on her fur baby until her health improved. My daughter left the door open when she left for school and the animals got out. My dogs are always out for walks so our neighbors know them but the cat is always inside. He was lost in the for weeks. I made a report with the police and today they said they found him. The person who found them requesting I paid for vet fees. I was confused because why did you bring him to the vet? My assumption was that he was hurting. She states “She feels he needed to be fixed”. One it’s not my animal it’s my moms, secondly if I find anything that’s lost I report it to the police and let them make the call. How does a person make that call without consent? That’s insane and my mom is so upset because she didn’t want him to go through the pain and to change in his behavior. What legal actions can be taken?

By |2023-04-24T14:43:38-04:00February 15th, 2023|

Negligence of Groomer.

We dropped our dog off for boarding and grooming. When we picked him up they had cut all of his hair off without any explanation. He is an American Akita, his coat may never grow back and will never be the same. He is suffering psychologically and now he cannot be in the sun due to possible skin cancer and he cannot be out in the cold.

By |2023-04-24T14:47:11-04:00February 13th, 2023|

Neighbor is caging my cats.

My neighbor is starting to put out cages to cage my cats and they are putting tuna in them to bait my cats over. Normally my cats stay in my yard and don't go into said neighbors yard but now with the tuna they are. I had to go over to my neighbors house and break my cat out of the cage. Do I need to call someone to get them to stop trying to cage my cats? (no feral cat colonies are in the area)

By |2023-04-25T12:49:38-04:00January 12th, 2023|

Neighbor is caging my cats.

My neighbor is starting to put out cages to cage my cats and they are putting tuna in them to bait my cats over. Normally my cats stay in my yard and don't go into said neighbors yard but now with the tuna they are. I had to go over to my neighbors house and break my cat out of the cage. Do I need to call someone to get them to stop trying to cage my cats? (no feral cat colonies are in the area)

By |2023-04-21T12:29:26-04:00January 12th, 2023|

Dog came home from pet sitter with “injuries”.

I left my 14yo dog with a pet sitter for a week during the recent holidays. When I returned to pick her up, she wasn't moving, had pooped herself inside her crate, and had large "bedsores". I questioned the pet sitter and she said that my dog didn't move much. So far, I've taken her to the vet twice (at quite a cost) to treat her. She is not doing well. I feel like this is negligence on the part of the pet sitter who was charged with her care. There is no contract nor did I go through a company for the pet sitter. It was just between the pet sitter and me. I'm wondering what to do. Is there any legal redress possible from the pet sitter?

By |2023-04-25T13:01:30-04:00January 5th, 2023|

Fostering a dog for unethical rescue.

I found a dog, rescued it and agreed to foster it through them. I took it to their vet who checked health and microchipped I found a home for it and the “board” has determined its not their choice for a home for unreasonable reason. None of these so called board members have even met the dog. I rescued it, paid grooming, advertised on social media. I shuttled dog to their vet, paid for food for 3 weeks. They are refusing to let dog be adopted due to their power and control issues. When I took it to their vet they had it microchipped with out me knowing. If they won’t approve adoption due to a fence not being high enough, but already approved me as a foster can I just say I’ve decided to adopt it?

By |2023-04-25T12:47:44-04:00January 3rd, 2023|

Can she take cat back?

My sister could no longer care for her cat. She asked me to keep her. It’s been 2 and half years and she wants the cat back. The cat is our family and she never come to see her or visit other than holiday functions. Can she legally take the cat back?

By |2023-04-25T13:00:22-04:00January 3rd, 2023|