

Cat being held at a shelter after someone else surrendered it.

My cat disappeared and then showed up at a shelter, Talking with the shelter someone 'owner surrendered' it. He was microchipped and registered to me, I have vet records for him but they are sending him to another rescue and won't provide the rescues name. How can I get my cat back?

By |2022-06-16T13:42:47-04:00February 16th, 2022|

I want my dog back.

I was diagnosed with a brain tumor, I had no energy to do anything with my dog and was not away to get better since I had a brain surgery and the tumor remained. I gave my dog away to a family but a few months ago I had radiation therapy and it seems that I have a chance to continue living and now the only thing I want is my dog back. P.S. I didn’t sell my dog, It was given for adoption for free. The question, do I have the right to have my dog back? I don’t think the new owner will agree to give me the dog back.

By |2022-06-16T13:22:29-04:00February 16th, 2022|

Is my ex responsible for paying half of our dog bills?

My ex left me and we have a puppy together. I love the dog but wanted to know if she is responsible for paying half the bills for the dog. I sometimes travel for work and will have to board him which cost a lot if I’m gone a long time. So is she responsible for having to pay half of all the dogs needs? Like food, vet bills and boarding? Is this something I have to go to court for or is it something that I wont be able to retain in court?

By |2022-06-16T13:03:49-04:00February 16th, 2022|

My dog was killed by neighbor dog.

My neighbors 2 dogs entered my house through our dog door while I was not home. They killed 1 of my dogs and were attacking my others when I walked in. What should/can I do? I did call the police, as far as I know my neighbor was not cited. We had an incident months ago where his dog attacked mine, fortunately we were home and got to our dog quickly. He was not seriously injured. I did not report this incident to authorities but I did tell my neighbor.

By |2022-01-14T10:30:20-04:00January 14th, 2022|

Neighbor won’t fix his fence that is falling apart, whilst his dog tries to hurt mine.

My neighbor will not fix his fence that is falling apart and we share that fence between our yards. There is multiple panels being held up on my side by cinder blocks and stuff. There are several spots where a large or small dog could easily get through if they really tried. My dog has even wandered into the neighbors yard through one of these holes. Which is very dangerous for him considering he is much smaller than my neighbors dog. And every time my neighbors dog is outside he stalks along the fence as if ready to attack my dog. Is there anything I can do? Can I make him fix his fence? It's quite unfair I have to fear for my dogs life and go outside with him every time he needs to use the bathroom.

By |2022-01-14T10:19:10-04:00January 14th, 2022|

Neutered French Bulldog

Hello. I recently purchased a French bulldog. When getting the dog I was told he was not fixed. I didn’t think to check because I took their word. The next day while at the vet they noticed he was in fact fixed. Do I have any legal grounds and if so what can I do?

By |2022-01-14T10:09:15-04:00January 14th, 2022|