


Heartbreak We Can Help Heal

Sometimes I do wonder about what my pet cats, as well as my foster felines, are thinking about. I just saw that January 22nd is “National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day” and I had to laugh. How perfect is that? Just the other day, I was wondering what Helen Rose might ask me.

By |2020-03-17T11:24:25-04:00February 14th, 2020|

48 Dogs Travel from Texas to Find Loving Homes

Forty-eight dogs, from overcrowded shelters in Texas, were handed down from the Mobile Rescue Unit at North Shore Animal League America’s Port Washington, NY campus to waiting volunteers and staff yesterday. Most were eager to stretch their legs after the long journey from Abilene, Texas. They were mostly adult small breed mixes with Chihuahua, Read More

By |2020-02-12T13:32:53-04:00February 7th, 2020|

Southern Belle Finds Happily Ever After on Long Island

Once Padme was finished with her job of being a mama to her eight puppies, which were rescued with her from Mississippi, she was ready to find a loving home through our Adoption Center. But little did she realize that her potential adopters was already part of the North Shore Animal League America family.

By |2020-06-10T16:00:09-04:00February 7th, 2020|

Forty Pomeranians Rescued from Horrific Conditions in Georgia

When North Shore Animal League America got the emergency call from shelter partner, Georgia Animal Rescue Defense, to help with 178 Pomeranians who were surrendered from a backyard breeder, our Rescue Team sprung into action. As soon as they arrived on the scene with our Mobile Rescue Unit, our Rescue Team could see that these dogs had been severely neglected.

By |2020-01-31T11:12:36-04:00January 31st, 2020|

Three Mamas and their Pups Rescued Just in Time

North Shore Animal League America’s Rescue Team received a cry for help from the Georgia Coalition, a group of shelter partners we regularly work with in the south. There were three mama dogs with pups that would be euthanized if they couldn’t find a place for them right away. We immediately said we’d take them, and they were all put on a lifesaving transport directly to our Port Washington, NY campus.

By |2020-01-25T13:12:21-04:00January 21st, 2020|

There’s Always Room for One More

When the adopters came in to meet bonded cats Tommy and Ollie, their friend Fredo decided he would be front and center at the meeting too, and plopped himself on top of his buddies. What happened next was three furry friends went home with two kind and big-hearted people.

By |2020-03-30T12:58:30-04:00January 17th, 2020|

Donor Spotlight: Larry and Bonnie Grubler

“Since I work for a nonprofit myself, I realize how important it is to support an organization with a real cause that I believe in,” said Larry Grubler, who is the Chief Executive Officer of Transitional Services for New York. “The two causes I truly believe in are helping people with mental health issues and helping animals. I’ve been involved with North Shore Animal League America for many years. I’ve seen the amazing work you do and I have personal experience with the staff.”

By |2023-03-01T10:25:28-04:00January 14th, 2020|

How Do Cats “Talk” to Us?

Sometimes I do wonder about what my pet cats, as well as my foster felines, are thinking about. I just saw that January 22nd is “National Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day” and I had to laugh. How perfect is that? Just the other day, I was wondering what Helen Rose might ask me.

By |2020-02-14T18:02:53-04:00January 13th, 2020|